Oil on canvas, 65×60”. 2024.

72x66" oil on canvas, 2022.

Oil on panel, 36×36”. 2024.
A child throwing a weight on a string walking along the Via Appia at dusk.

48×36” oil on panel with cold wax varnish. 2024.
A painting of the Vestals and visitors resting at an imagined retreat along the via Appia in ancient Rome.

OIl on canvas, 65×60”. 2024.

Oil on canvas, 60×48”. 2024.

48×36” oil on panel with cold wax varnish, 2024.

2024, 20x16" oil on panel with cold wax varnish. Available at Arch Winnetka

2024, 20x16" oil on panel with cold wax varnish.

2024, oil on panel 20x16"

Oil on panel 20×16”

36x36" oil on panel, 2024.

48x36" oil on canvas, 2023.

48x36" oil on panel, 2023.

48x36" oil on panel, 2023.

36x36" oil on panel, 2023.
Self Portrait entering the Chicago River in the Forest Preserves

72×60” oil on canvas, 2020.
Two tiny figures climb the rock massifs on either side of a waterfall in winter.

30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Painted with three other paintings to work together: see studio image here.

30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Made as part of a set of four paintings. See them hung together in the studio here.

30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Made as part of a group of four paintings: studio installation image here.

30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Painted as a group of four paintings: studio image here.

20x16" oil on panel, 2024.

24x18" oil on panel, 2024.

22x15" oil paint on paper, 2023. A single piece remaining from a series of nine paintings on paper, which lay out a narrative based on the prompt 'have a conversation with yourself about liberation'. The words are a sequence of encouragement to a protagonist in the painting to continue moving out of a difficult situation. The figures on the right are one body spooning another.

11x14" oil on panel, 2022.

12x16" oil on panel, 2021.

16x20" oil on panel, 2021.

12x16" oil on panel, 2021

12x9" oil on panel, 2021

14x11" oil on panel. This painting is about my study of Chinese landscape painting and some of the frames used by early Chinese painters to create an experience for the viewer. One compelling frame is the notion of being able to see from the base to the top of a mountain in a single painting. The impossibility of this is a beautiful prompt for making a work. Technically the mountain would be easier to paint this way in deeper space, but our mountains often rise up right in front of us.

12x16" oil on panel, 2021.

2023, 48x36" oil on canvas with cold wax varnish.

12x16” oil on panel

Oil on panel with cold wax varnish, 2015. 18x24"

8x10” oil on panel, 2021.

Oil on Panel, 16x20", 2015.

Oil on panel, 16x20”, 2021.

Oil on canvas, 65×60”. 2024.
72x66" oil on canvas, 2022.
Oil on canvas, 60×48”. 2024. on view at Arch Winnetka.
Oil on panel, 36×36”. 2024.
A child throwing a weight on a string walking along the Via Appia at dusk.
48×36” oil on panel with cold wax varnish. 2024.
A painting of the Vestals and visitors resting at an imagined retreat along the via Appia in ancient Rome.
OIl on canvas, 65×60”. 2024.
Oil on canvas, 60×48”. 2024.
48×36” oil on panel with cold wax varnish, 2024.
48×36” oil on panel, 2024. on view at Arch Winnetka.
2024, 20x16" oil on panel with cold wax varnish. Available at Arch Winnetka
2024, 20x16" oil on panel with cold wax varnish.
2024, oil on panel 20x16"
Oil on panel 20×16”
36x36" oil on panel, 2024. Available at Arch Winnetka.
36x36" oil on panel, 2024.
48x36" oil on canvas, 2023.
48x36" oil on panel, 2023.
48x36" oil on panel, 2023.
36x36" oil on panel, 2023.
Self Portrait entering the Chicago River in the Forest Preserves
72×60” oil on canvas, 2020.
Two tiny figures climb the rock massifs on either side of a waterfall in winter.
30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Painted with three other paintings to work together: see studio image here.
30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Made as part of a set of four paintings. See them hung together in the studio here.
30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Made as part of a group of four paintings: studio installation image here.
30x22" oil on paper, 2023. Painted as a group of four paintings: studio image here.
20x16" oil on panel, 2024.
24x18" oil on panel, 2024.
22x15" oil paint on paper, 2023. A single piece remaining from a series of nine paintings on paper, which lay out a narrative based on the prompt 'have a conversation with yourself about liberation'. The words are a sequence of encouragement to a protagonist in the painting to continue moving out of a difficult situation. The figures on the right are one body spooning another.
11x14" oil on panel, 2022.
12x16" oil on panel, 2021.
16x20" oil on panel, 2021.
12x16" oil on panel, 2021
12x9" oil on panel, 2021
14x11" oil on panel. This painting is about my study of Chinese landscape painting and some of the frames used by early Chinese painters to create an experience for the viewer. One compelling frame is the notion of being able to see from the base to the top of a mountain in a single painting. The impossibility of this is a beautiful prompt for making a work. Technically the mountain would be easier to paint this way in deeper space, but our mountains often rise up right in front of us.
12x16" oil on panel, 2021.
2023, 48x36" oil on canvas with cold wax varnish.
12x16” oil on panel
30x22” Oil on paper, 2019.
scale views here
Oil on panel with cold wax varnish, 2015. 18x24"
36x36x1.5” Oil on cradled panel, 2018.
For installation views click here
8x10” oil on panel, 2021.
Oil on Panel, 16x20", 2015.
Oil on panel, 16x20”, 2021.